Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This week has been a drag! I woke up on the 24th with the worst sinus headache. I had so much planned for the 24th but I just couldn't even move. Gaby came to my rescue and gave me some medication and even made me tea! All I remember was taking the medicine and taking a sip of tea and then off I went into dreamland. I woke up later that day and got ready for the festivities but I was not feeling too good. I am still sick but getting better today. I love you NyQuil!! I think that my immune system is failing me. The other day I was reading an article that said that if you exercised at least 25 minutes four times a day you could  avoid getting sick. They are wrong! I have been sick even at times when I have been exercising constantly. Today I decided that I need to start eating better and taking vitamins. I even contemplated on quitting chocolate and there is a support group for that! I am still thinking about it but for now I bought some vitamin B12 and Vitamin C! Here is to a healthier me! No more colds. I think I'll put this under my new years resolutions for 2011. Goal #879 Avoid getting colds! Be healthy!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

My December

Oh, December how I love thee!  This month has been just wonderful. I love Christmas parties, food, family, trees, presents, the Savior, Christmas movies and the list goes on. I was in Las Vegas and LA last week. I went with an amazing group of girls. It rained the whole time that we were on vacation but we made the best of it! We had planned on going to Disneyland but that didn't happen because of the weather. Instead of Disneyland we went exploring and we even went to the West Side Story play. Man, I love plays! I need to make more time for plays. The funny thing about the trip is that Los Angeles area had a severe storm warning, flood warning and flash flood warning. It was quite the trip! It felt great to get home and to rest but I had to go to work the next day. I think that because of that I have a horrible cold but it was worth it. Christmas was great. I love it when I am surrounded by loved ones, great food, laughter and the holiday spirit. I hope that your Christmas was great too. Now that Christmas has come and is now gone I am left thinking about new years. Looking back at this past month and year it was just so great!  The memories that were made this year have a special place in my heart. This new year I want to make new adventures. Now I just have to make plans and goals so that I can make it happen!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hello?! Is anyone out there? Sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads my blog. I wish people would comment on my nonsense. So please feel free to comment :)
Life is good right now people. I just absolutely love my job. I am so lucky to work with my best friends and amazing co-workers. Lately I've been shopping and going to random activities. Lately my new hobby is bowling. Some of my awesome friends go to Fat Cats every Monday night and I've become a pretty descent bowler. I am thinking that I should buy myself a bowling ball and some shoes.. at the DI of course. I think that I would bowl even better if I had that. I can just see me walking into the bowling alley with my legit bag. I would sit down, get my ball out and polish it with my special ball shining cloth...:)
Anyway, tonight I learned to make these super amazing cinnamon rolls. I will have to share the recipe once I make them myself. Check my postings later for the recipe.
I love Christmas time but I have been eating a lot of crap lately. Good crap of course. Help! I need a sugar intervention. All I've been eating lately is Chocolate, hot cocoa, pretzels with chocolate, cinnamon rolls, popcorn with chocolate drizzled, Oreo's covered in chocolate. I am on the verge of getting diabetes.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How can I be...

Sundays are absolutely amazing for me. No matter what mood I am in I always come home after church just feeling so hopeful and uplifted. Today was testimony Sunday and I loved sitting there and listening to these people testify of Jesus Christ. It is very sweet to see these people just pour their heart out to anyone who will listen. I love feeling the spirit. I am truly so thankful for the tender mercies of the Lord.
Some brethren from my ward sang a wonderful song that I just have to share with you guys. I am a fan of the song. It is called "How can I be". I posted a video of it. This song inspires me to be of courage and reminds me of the work that we have to do. This week I challenge myself to be more like Jesus Christ :)

"How Can I Be"....Enjoy!

Friday, December 3, 2010

View Photos from Provo Santa Run

View Photos from Provo Santa Run: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Check out my photos from the provo santa run. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Goodbye November...........

Another month has come and gone. Two birthdays, Thanksgiving, black friday madness and a 5k have come and gone. Great memories were made. November was a great month to reflect on my life and to just stop and count my blessings. My heart has been truly full of gratitude. I just want to write down some of the things that I am grateful for..
First of all I am grateful to be alive, the gospel of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, my savior Jesus Christ, amazing friends, family, Utah, prophets, the priesthood, my covenants, my amazing loving cute parents, my siblings, nature, snow, mountains, awesome job, food, clothes, wool socks, chocolate, hugs, the cutest niece in the world, education, scriptures, my ancestors, my culture, the sun, stars, moon, love, warm rain, tender mercies, miracles (they do happen everyday), glasses, snuggies, holidays, transportation, technology, small world, trials, hard times, agency, eternal families, straightening irons(what would I do without them?!), make up, burts bees, medicine, for the beauty of the earth and for the random people in this world that make life interesting. There are just so many things that I am truly grateful for that if I name all specifically it would take FOREVER!
I can't help but feel like the luckies girls in the whole wide world!

Thanksgiving was great and it was spent eating and talking. My little cousins were watching cartoons and we even colored some books. It was great. 

This past month we celebrated Gaby's 26th birthday! On the morning of her birthday I woke up late and I had forgotten it was her birthday and she asked me if she could borrow my coat and I said no. I am horrible. Later that night we went out to dinner and then came home and spent the rest of the night being silly and laughing. I can't imagine life without my little sister. She's amazing. She will give you the shirt off her back she is that nice. Just don't mess with her because she can take you down like a sack of potatoes. I mean it because it has happened to me!

The Santa Run was freezing! Remind me to never sign up for a winter run ever! It was 15 degrees outside and I was dying. We did jumping jacks right before the race while we yelled "Ho HO Ho!" I was dying of laughter. I felt like I was in "The Santa Clause" movie. My time was 33minutes and by the end of the race I was sweating inside my coat. It was a pretty sick feeling sweating inside a puffy coat. No wonder I was the only one wearing a coat. Duh!

Dear November,
How I will miss thee. My heart is grateful. I will miss your beatiful colors and good weather. Happy anniversary Mom, Daddy, Gaby, Steve, Glendy and Jared. Happy Birthday Gaby, Eddie and Lucky.
Love, Me.

Welcome December...the craziest month of the year...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

You are a lost boy/girl...

We had the marriage talk at church today. They had a guy our age that was married talk about how wonderful marriage was. I just think it's awkward when we have those kinds of talks because they throw it right in our faces. It's like "Look at you..wasting your life when you could be married".
He started off by telling us that he felt sorry for single people because marriage was so great. I thought it was pretty funny! His talk was mainly focused on the Peter Pan Syndrome. Apparently I have it and most single people do.

Peter Pan syndrome is a pop-psychology term used to describe an adult who is socially immature. The term has been used informally by both laypeople and some psychology professionals in popular psychology since the 1983 publication of The Peter Pan Syndrome: Men Who Have Never Grown Up, by Dr. Dan Kiley. (Kiley also wrote a companion book, The Wendy Dilemma, published in 1984.) It is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and is not recognized by theAmerican Psychiatric Association as a specific mental disorder.

I thought it was pretty interesting to hear about boys and girls that never want to grow up. When they face something serious even though it's good they run away. Apparently I am a lost boy and I want to be free and fight the pirates and of course never grow up!! hahaha! That totally sounds like me!!! Actually I feel more like Wendy who sews the shadow on to Peter Pan and that tells him what a Mom and a Dad is. She wants peter pan to grow up but he refuses to and so she leaves. Later Peter Pan returns to her home and time has passed by and Wendy is all grown up and has kids and he is still a silly boy. He feels sad but he was too scared to grow up.
My thoughts after hearing this talk was "I don't wanna be a lost boy" and "apparently I am a lost boy/girl". I hope you guys laugh because this is all funny to me:)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

GLEE - "Umbrella/Singin' In the Rain" Full Performance

Glee Video feat. Gwyneth Paltrow!

Running and Shopping.....

It is finally this weekend and I am so excited for this upcoming week. Why you ask? Because it's Thanksgiving week! That means short work week, lots of food, friends and family, shopping and a 5K. It's going to be a fun filled week! Yay! 
I am a little worried about the 5K because it has been about a month since I ran. I'm going to get my workout on today and let's hope that I don't look like a fool on Friday at the Santa run.(I'm praying for a miracle) Check it out at runsanta.com. 
I'm excited to dress like a santa and run while I drink milk and eat cookies. It's totally my kind of 5K. It will be here in Provo and you guys are welcome to come and  cheer for me or just watch and laugh. There will be a Christmas parade right after and then they will turn on all the Christmas lights. 

SHOPPING has been on my mind..lots of shopping....I like shopping...:) 

Black friday is coming up and I'm excited for the Modbe Sale. Modbe is having a sale at a warehouse next to ToysRUs on Thanksgiving day starting 11pm-Friday at 4pm.
Cami's will be $3.00!!! I'm sure they will have a ton of other stuff too. I saw this advertisement in the Utah Valley Magazine but I couldn't find it online!
Check out these websites...
Slickdeals.net and 
 My life would be so much better with GPS........

I got this email from Downeast. They have really cute stuff this season. Anyone want to use my coupon?? Go ahead...
Love this cardigan

 Express 40% off purchase on black friday till 12noon.
Does anyone know of any awesome sales this black friday?? 

Ps this is what you missed on Glee this week. I loved this song:



Sunday, November 14, 2010

President Thomas S. Monson - The Divine Gift of Gratitude


Yesterday I found myself buying this sweet little candy cane dress from downeast. I stopped by for something else and stumbled into this adorable dress. Yes, I said it. It's adorable. I wore it to church today and felt like a crazy candy cane lady but I loved it! My sister told me that I looked like uncle Sam but I didn't care.
 Thanks for the compliments sissy!

Can this coat get any cuter? From the moment I laid eyes on this coat I knew I had to have it. I went to Express to see if I liked it in person and to see how it would fit.When I put it on I just knew we were meant to be:) I ended up bumping into Mrs. Witzel at Express and she agreed. Good times!

I've been on the hunt for the best shampoo and conditioner for my craaaazy hair and I think I found it!

(my hair on bad days)
Who knew a cheap shampoo and conditioner would be so fabulous. I don't know what compelled me to buy this but I did and I don't regret it for one second. It makes my hair feel super healthy and soft! I highly recommend it. The cashier lady told me that there was a $2 off coupon in the Sunday paper for this. Wish I would have known about it. 

Friday, July 2, 2010



This is my favorite song right now. I just love it and I listen to it over and over again! Enjoy! I love her voice....


Today I cried..
I was talking to a man who had a stroke. He was a very healthy person in his life, very athletic and had a great life. One day after finishing a marathon he collapsed and had a stroke. The doctors told him that he was lucky to be alive. After the stroke he was left with paralysis to one side of his body and other complications. He cried and told me that he wished that he had died because he felt that he was a burden to his family. How sad is that!?? I told him that he has no idea how much his family loves him and that if he had died his wife would be so lonely and sad. He told me I was right.
Life really isn't easy, it's actually challenging and surprising. You never really know what is next. I think that we should live today to our fullest and take one day at a time. Stop and smell the flowers, laugh, giggle and tell your family you love them when they least expect it.

"As you grow up, you learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let you down probably will. You'll have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend and you might even fall in love with him/her. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing so fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too hard, and love like you've never been hurt because every minute you spend mad or upset is a minute of happiness that you'll never get back."

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Freedom Run

This week has been amazing! I've loved every second of this week. I started taking my workouts seriously since the 10K is in a month! I started running outside and I love it! This week Ari, Leech and I have been working out together and it has been so sweaty but fun. Whenever Leech and I complain about exercising Ari is there to motivate us and lift our spirits. I love you Ari! Leech and I can't figure out how in the heck we let Ari rule our lives but somehow she's got us. (I think it was the idea of getting a T-Shirt)HAHAHA
The 10K that we are doing is the Freedom run on July 5Th. Come bright and early to support us if you wish!
Love, Me
PS it is so flippin hot outside I think I'll die!