Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Goodbye November...........

Another month has come and gone. Two birthdays, Thanksgiving, black friday madness and a 5k have come and gone. Great memories were made. November was a great month to reflect on my life and to just stop and count my blessings. My heart has been truly full of gratitude. I just want to write down some of the things that I am grateful for..
First of all I am grateful to be alive, the gospel of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, my savior Jesus Christ, amazing friends, family, Utah, prophets, the priesthood, my covenants, my amazing loving cute parents, my siblings, nature, snow, mountains, awesome job, food, clothes, wool socks, chocolate, hugs, the cutest niece in the world, education, scriptures, my ancestors, my culture, the sun, stars, moon, love, warm rain, tender mercies, miracles (they do happen everyday), glasses, snuggies, holidays, transportation, technology, small world, trials, hard times, agency, eternal families, straightening irons(what would I do without them?!), make up, burts bees, medicine, for the beauty of the earth and for the random people in this world that make life interesting. There are just so many things that I am truly grateful for that if I name all specifically it would take FOREVER!
I can't help but feel like the luckies girls in the whole wide world!

Thanksgiving was great and it was spent eating and talking. My little cousins were watching cartoons and we even colored some books. It was great. 

This past month we celebrated Gaby's 26th birthday! On the morning of her birthday I woke up late and I had forgotten it was her birthday and she asked me if she could borrow my coat and I said no. I am horrible. Later that night we went out to dinner and then came home and spent the rest of the night being silly and laughing. I can't imagine life without my little sister. She's amazing. She will give you the shirt off her back she is that nice. Just don't mess with her because she can take you down like a sack of potatoes. I mean it because it has happened to me!

The Santa Run was freezing! Remind me to never sign up for a winter run ever! It was 15 degrees outside and I was dying. We did jumping jacks right before the race while we yelled "Ho HO Ho!" I was dying of laughter. I felt like I was in "The Santa Clause" movie. My time was 33minutes and by the end of the race I was sweating inside my coat. It was a pretty sick feeling sweating inside a puffy coat. No wonder I was the only one wearing a coat. Duh!

Dear November,
How I will miss thee. My heart is grateful. I will miss your beatiful colors and good weather. Happy anniversary Mom, Daddy, Gaby, Steve, Glendy and Jared. Happy Birthday Gaby, Eddie and Lucky.
Love, Me.

Welcome December...the craziest month of the year...

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