Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hello?! Is anyone out there? Sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads my blog. I wish people would comment on my nonsense. So please feel free to comment :)
Life is good right now people. I just absolutely love my job. I am so lucky to work with my best friends and amazing co-workers. Lately I've been shopping and going to random activities. Lately my new hobby is bowling. Some of my awesome friends go to Fat Cats every Monday night and I've become a pretty descent bowler. I am thinking that I should buy myself a bowling ball and some shoes.. at the DI of course. I think that I would bowl even better if I had that. I can just see me walking into the bowling alley with my legit bag. I would sit down, get my ball out and polish it with my special ball shining cloth...:)
Anyway, tonight I learned to make these super amazing cinnamon rolls. I will have to share the recipe once I make them myself. Check my postings later for the recipe.
I love Christmas time but I have been eating a lot of crap lately. Good crap of course. Help! I need a sugar intervention. All I've been eating lately is Chocolate, hot cocoa, pretzels with chocolate, cinnamon rolls, popcorn with chocolate drizzled, Oreo's covered in chocolate. I am on the verge of getting diabetes.


  1. barb u crack me up..ha ha. I luv the bowling thing...except you cant buy it at the di. It will have mold growing inside the little holes...other than that. you need ya a good pair of bowling shoes. nighty night

  2. Are you the only one reading my blog?! Wah!!
